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Community Engagement

At Promotions West, community engagement is an effort by individuals in an organisation or group to connect its ideas or practices to the efforts of other organisations, groups, specific audiences or the general public. We believe that changing behaviours or revving up public discussion about policy issues takes talent, time, and an inspired mix of services.


Through our community engagement and public outreach efforts we have successfully recruited participants for focus groups on a variety of topics. We involve members of a community on all levels that build trust and a lasting relationship.


The word community is also a very broad term used to define groups of people; whether they are stakeholders, interest groups, citizen groups, etc. A community may be a geographic location (community of place), a community of similar interest (community of practice), or a community of affiliation or identity.

Community engagement is therefore a planned process with the specific purpose of working with identified groups of people, whether they are connected by geographic location, special interest, affiliation or identified to address issues affecting their well-being. The linking of the term community to engagement serves to broaden the scope, shifting the focus from the individual to the collective, with the associated implications for inclusiveness to ensure consideration is made of the diversity that exists within any community.


We provide event marketing & planning, focus group facilitation, needs assessment, facilitation in various languages, coalition building and influencing public policy leadership sessions. Promotions West is a leader in focus group facilitation and strategic planning training.


Our ethnographic practices help us to collect valuable community information, analyse and observe situations that can increase the success of most campaigns. Ethnography is a type of qualitative research design aimed at studying cultures and groups from a unique perspective. Ethnography helps us to observe groups in a natural setting or field. Observations are the main form of data collection. We conduct interviews to clarify those observations.

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